How Bible Engagement Impacts Children’s BehaviorDoes reading the Bible impact a child’s moral behavior? Previous CBE research among adults and teens show that people who frequently...
How Well Are People Dealing with Temptation?Every day, we’re tempted to do something that we know will not honor God. The Center for Bible Engagement (CBE) has extensively studied...
Research: Factors that Help and Hinder Bible ReadingOne of the first questions the Center for Bible Engagement (CBE) sought to answer was “Why do so many people own Bibles, but so few read...
Bible Engagement: A Key to Spiritual GrowthWhat difference does engaging the Bible make in a person’s life? Over a span of eight years, the Center for Bible Engagement (CBE)...
Navigating Tensions in the ChurchAlthough Scripture teaches us that God’s love and salvation is for all, America still struggles with conflict along racial and ethnic...